JBJ Soul Kitchen
Volunteer Coordinator
What brought you to JBJ Soul Kitchen?
Dorothea explained what the mission of JBJ Soul Kitchen was and asked if I would like to help as a volunteer…I couldn’t wait to help in any way!
What makes JBJ Soul Kitchen different than any other restaurant?
Where to start…My bosses are amazing, which has a trickle effect for everyone who works there. When the staff is happy, so are the volunteers, and then the customers. Our customers are unique too. Our in-need volunteers, who really want to help and be a part of something that gives them ownership, and our paying customers are very generous, which makes being at JBJ Soul Kitchen a pleasure to be there. Whereas other restaurants I’ve done work with, customers can sometimes make it a challenge to WANT to be there. And the food….outstanding!
What do you say to someone to get them to dine in and volunteer?
Most people I have talked to about JBJ Soul Kitchen know about it, but want a little more explaining, so I tell them the mission and give examples of those who have come full circle. I talk about our amazing staff volunteers, our in-need volunteers, and of course, about how great the food is and how creative our chefs have been. Last, but certainly not least, I talk about the positive changes I have seen first hand in so many people.
What's something most people probably don't know about you?
I love to be outside playing any sport, working out, the beach, yard work, gardening etc. I am a 3-time Ironman finisher and plan to do them until I can’t and 3-time marathon only finisher. When I grow up, I want to be a personal trainer for older people who want to live a heathier lifestyle no matter what their ability to workout is, even if I can get them to walk around the block!
Jamie Morreale
JBJ Soul Kitchen
Volunteer Coordinator
What brought you to JBJ Soul kitchen?
Dorothea explained what the mission of JBJ Soul Kitchen was and asked if I would like to help as a volunteer…I couldn’t wait to help in any way!
What makes jbj soul kitchen different than any other restaurant?
Where to start…My bosses are amazing, which has a trickle effect for everyone who works there. When the staff is happy, so are the volunteers, and then the customers. Our customers are unique too. Our in-need volunteers, who really want to help and be a part of something that gives them ownership, and our paying customers are very generous, which makes being at JBJ Soul Kitchen a pleasure to be there. Whereas other restaurants I’ve done work with, customers can sometimes make it a challenge to WANT to be there. And the food….outstanding!
Most people I have talked to about JBJ Soul Kitchen know about it, but want a little more explaining, so I tell them the mission and give examples of those who have come full circle. I talk about our amazing staff volunteers, our in-need volunteers, and of course about how great the food is and how creative our chefs have been. Last, but certainly not least, I talk about the positive changes I have seen first hand in so many people.
Tell us something about yourself that most people probably don't know!
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